In some areas, there’s sometimes animosity between gay men and lesbian women, and a lot of it comes from misunderstandings.
Popular YouTubers Riyadh Khalaf and Ariella Scarcella have decided to combat the body shaming and misunderstandings, by… showing each other their very own private parts.

- Also Watch: Straight Men Touch Another Penis For The First Time
- Gay Porn Stars Watch Lesbian Porn And Almost Have A Meltdown
We get two videos for the price of one, and from two “gold stars” – people who have never had sex with the OPPOSITE sex.
The first video, on Ariella’s channel, involves Riyadh showing her his penis. “You can’t laugh”, Riyadh asks, takes his underwear – and the learning begins.
Riyadh does a show and tell for Ariella about hair down there, what’s it like for uncut men, and why the head of the penis is so important. Watch that video right here:
And then, on Riyadh’s channel, the roles reverse, and Ariella shows her penis to Riyadh. “There are parts of a human body… that I don’t know how it works” – which makes this a sex education experiment. “There is more going on than I expected”, Riyadh quickly says.
Watch the second video right here: