If you were a gay teen in the early 90’s, there’s a good chance you had a crush on Mark-Paul Gosselaar, who played Zack Morris on “Saved By The Bell“.

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Now, he’s 42 years old, but that’s not the only reason you won’t recognise him – the weight and beard also have something to do with it.

Mark-Paul Gosselaar - Save by the bell
Photo: NBC

In preparation for his upcoming role on TV series “Pitch“, where he plays Mike Lawson (a famous baseball catcher), Mark grew a beard – and gained “substantial” weight – “TooFab” reports.

“I’ve been in the industry for a while and I do have something that follows me”, Mark says. “The show’s creator was really the first to say ‘I want to break that, I don’t want people to recognise you right away’ – that’s the beard.

“My wife hates it. She says ‘I didn’t buy you with a beard. I want the model without the beard'”.

So there it is (yes, Mark is the one on the left) –


And another one –


And a video –
