As is the case with practically every good looking actor or singer, talk of Harry Styles’ sexuality has been going around for ages. But Harry’s fans are ecstatic these days, after the words to one of his new songs, “Medicine”, seem to refer to Harry being… bisexual.

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Harry Styles sign of the times clip
Photo: YouTube

Over the years, fans of 24-year-old Harry Styles spent countless hours spreading rumours about his sexuality, particularly about the so-called “Larry” relationship, with fellow “One Direction” star Louis Tomlinson (so much so, that Louis at one point banned the use of the term “Larry” on his Instagram page).

When a mysterious Tweet from Harry’s account linked to [fake] porn of him and Louis, the fans went crazy. Then, in an interview last May, Harry said of his sexuality that he has no need for labels. “I don’t feel like it’s something I’ve ever felt like I have to explain about myself.”

This week, however, Harry’s fans were reading tea leaves again, though the words were pretty explicit – Harry was performing one of his new songs, “Medicine”, and the lyrics were surprising to some:

Tingle running through my blood, fingers to my toes
Tingle running through my bones
The boys and the girls are here
I mess ’round a bit
And I’m okay with it
The boys and girls are here
I’m messing ’round with them
And I’m okay with it

Once videos of this song (which isn’t available as a single yet) came out, Harry’s fans immediately started wondering whether this is his coming out song – as a bisexual. Some are already treating the song as a bisexual anthem.

As of yet, there’s no official word from Harry himself – but maybe he’s just letting the music speak. Watch Harry perform “Medicine” right here:

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