It’s the ultimate fantasy – a cute pizza delivery guy, who delivers your pizza while naked. But hey, why settle for one, when you can have TWO naked pizza delivery boys? Well, models Adam and Enrico to the rescue…
Adam Jakubowski is a model from Poland, who we’ve seen a couple of times in a variety of sexy poses. Enrico Lavigne is an equally sexy model who lives in Sydney, and the two of them do some hot photoshoots together.
This time, with help from their regular photographer Marcin Rychły, Adam and Enrico took on some pizza duties. Here’s what it looks like:
Update: they weren’t delivering the pizza. They ate it themselves. While naked.
The best way to eat pizza!
While you’re dreaming about that, ehm, pizza – you might as well enjoy some more of them:
And Enrico:
And the two of them together:
Yep, boys will be boys.
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