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Troye Sivan’s stories on Twitter are an endless source of amusing anecdotes. This time, the popular singer’s suitcase was stolen – but when it turned up a couple of days later, things go a bit… embarrassing.

Troye Sivan
Photo: Instagram

Troye Sivan, the 22-year-old openly gay Australian singer took to Twitter to share how his suitcase got stolen. A couple of days later, it turned up next to a dumpster – with NOTHING missing from it…

Was the thief shaming Troye for his taste in clothes?

One fan, which Troye himself retweeted, had her own somewhat embarrassing explanation

So we’re left baffled. But if you think that was Troye’s only Twitter concern this week – he was also terrified about having to… bend over for his doctor.

Hmm… we’ll keep following.