When you become a celebrity, and especially a good looking one – you have to deal with some parts which are unpleasant, and it happens both to women and men.

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Tommy Dorfman, the star of Netflix’ popular 13 Reasons Why, is tired of having to endure strangers who send him… dick pictures.

Tommy Dorfman 13 reasons why
Photo: Netflix

Tommy Dorfman, the 25-year-old actor who played Ryan Shaver on 13 Reasons Why, is not only openly gay, but is also married.

And as is often the case with good looking celebrities (gay or otherwise), some fans insist on sending him nude photos – which is indeed quite rude. Tommy took to Twitter to ask them to stop.

Most of Tommy’s fans on Twitter quickly supported his plea, though YouTuber Matthew Lush replied – jokingly, we assume – with a “Sorry”.

Recently, Tommy also opened up bravely about being sexually assaulted in his youth. Recently, he was also awarded with GLAAD’s Rising Star Award, for “using his growing platform to accelerate LGBTQ acceptance.” In his speech, Tommy spoke about the community that embraced him, and “taught me what it means to be a gay person.”

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