We can never resist the temptation of another Tom Holland (AKA Spider-Man) shirtless photo – especially when it’s all artistic and in black and white. And those abs…

Tom Holland Harrison Osterfield hot tub
Photo: Instagram

The 21-year-old star, who did incredible job on Spider-Man: Homecoming, also has a body fit for a superhero. Of course, he works hard for that body, as we’ve seen in his boxing training video.

The caption for Tom’s latest shirtless Instagram photo says “Throwback to my Curls”, because – yes – Tom shaved his head, presumably for an upcoming film (perhaps Chaos Walking, where he’s going to star alongside none other than Nick Jonas).

There have been no photos (that we’ve seen) of Tom with his shaved head as of yet. We’ll update you once there are… Until then – we can keep enjoying his regular look…