Two gay icons on sofa? Count us in. Olympic diver Tom Daley, and mega-popular YouTuber Tyler Oakley, recently sat together for a Q&A, in which we learned some pretty interesting things about the two.

Tom Daley, Shawn Mendes, Dustin Lance Black
Photos: Instagram

The Q&A took place during “Hello World Live” – an event in Birmingham, UK that took place last month, where fans were able to meet their favorite YouTubers. 23-year-old Tom Daley sat down with 28-year-old Tyler Oakley, and the two answered random questions taken out of a box.

Tyler was the first to be asked who his “celebrity crush” is – and he mentioned Joe Jonas. “His mustache is very beautiful.”

Then, it’s Tom’s turn – and he names… Shawn Mendes. We already knew, from a video Tom did last year, that both him and his husband Dustin Lance Black are big Shawn Mendes fans. Now, we get some more details about Tom’s celebrity crush.

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Turns out, that two have never met in person yet, and Tom hasn’t been to any of Shawn’s concerts yet. But when asked who he would want a private concert with, and what they would sing – Tom names Shawn, naturally.

“I need to think about a song that he would sing though… this is a hard one… I don’t know what song he would sing that wouldn’t be highly inappropriate, having a husband.”

Then, Tom starts blushing, and gets some… kinky ideas:

“Maybe Lance can be in the room too… he would supervise… Lance can supervise and film the video… the YouTube video…”

Hmm… can we watch that video?

We also learn that the YouTuber Tom would most like to kiss is… Troye Sivan. Plus, Tom keeps getting underwear from fans, and they want him to take a photo of himself wearing it “which is obviously not going to happen”, so you can stop sending those!

Watch the full video right here: