Sean O’Donnell, in case you’re not familiar with the name, is a handsome 21-year-old model and Instagram super-star, who has over 1 million followers.

And this new set of photos he released this week, will demonstrate exactly why he has so many followers…

Sean O'donnell underwear set
Photo: Instagram

Other than being active and sexy on Instagram and Twitter, Sean O’Donnell also has a YouTube channel, and occasionally collaborates with other YouTubers as well, as he did when Jordan Doww tried to hit on him last year.

On to the underwear, though – promising a “Wild Year” in 2018, Sean posted this revealing set, which excited his fans to no end:

(make sure you slide the photos – there are 4 in total here)

But that’s not all! A few hours before that, we had this photo, with those same underwear:

Mr man Taron

And then there’s this…

Plus a belated Santa set – but he’s so adorable in it, that we don’t mind:

Happy New Year!