Pietro Boselli, also known as the world’s hottest math teacher, also known the hunkiest thing on our screens these days, recently launched a new fitness series on YouTube. Naturally, the responses were very positive, not to mention love-struck, not to mention sexually explicit…

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Now, in a new video, Pietro responds to some of those comments. While he tries to stay serious, and answer fitness questions… it’s not that easy.

Pietro Boselli reacts to your thirst
Photo: YouTube

Pietro’s first video in his “Exercise Anatomy” series was about the shoulder muscles. It involved slow motion clips of Pietro lifting weights – just what the doctor ordered.

Today, Pietro sat down to react to some of the comments he received, and answer at least some of the questions.

When the first comment he sees says “I imagine heaven is a place filled with shirtless flexing Pietro Bosellis…”, his blushing is just the sweetest thing.

From there, it moves on to the some real “questions”, including but not limited to, “Will you marry me”.

Watch the full video right here:



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