Adding sex toys in bed can be fun and can add some spice to your sex life. But what happens when you’re scared the sex toy is there to… replace you? And if that’s not enough – an open relationship then follows the dildo.

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That’s what happened to this guy on Reddit, who got worried when his boyfriend asked for a dildo. And THEN, He waned to open up the relationship… So does that mean he’s unsatisfied in bed?

“My boyfriend said we should get a dildo”, he writes. “He asked me cause he wants to have a little more “fun” in bed.”

But that’s when things got even more complicated…

“We are both verse and he knows I have major insecurities with my size. Him wanting the dildo makes me feel like I’m not good enough in the dick department.

He also asked me if we can try an open relationship just cause he wants to try and see how it is . He hasn’t bottomed for anyone nor topped and only did oral with two guys (as far as I know) since we started the open relationship.

This feels like a 2nd sign saying I’m not good enough dick wise for him. He wants to get his rocks off with me and other guys and now this.

When It comes to bottoming he said I’m the only guy who gave him pleasure as he felt nothing but pressure but with me he cums and loves me fucking him and he got fucked by a lot of guys who were smaller and bigger than me.

But I still feel weird about this . Am I looking into this too much?”

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