When you’re young, horny, and you want to impress people for sex (boys or girls) – there isn’t much you won’t be willing to do. And so, when Fifty Shades hunk Jamie Dornan was 15-years-old, he… glued wig pieces around his penis, in case he would get lucky…

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Jamie Dornan fifty shades
Photo: Universal

Jamie Dornan, the 35-year-old star of the Fifty Shades series of films, is an extremely sexy man these days. But 20 years ago, he was an awkward adolescent boy – as he tells on The Graham Norton Show.

“I was a late developer”, Jamie describes himself. “I was small, I wasn’t very hairy… I looked about 7.”

At the time, Jamie was performing in a drama play, where he had a “black, very acrylic, highly flammable wig” cut and glued to his face. Planning to go to a party after the play, Jamie thought he might get lucky and have a girl “drop a hand” into his crotch – which had no hair.

So he decided to cut pieces off the black, curly wig – and he had blond hair, mind you – and glue them around his penis.

“I remember standing in front of the mirror going, ‘That looks alright.’

I went to the party, I think I kissed a girl, was sort of really urging her to sort of, you know, without forcing her, urging her to sort of go down…for one night only, ’cause that seemed quite an impressive place to put your hand.

Anyway, that didn’t happen and actually, thank God it didn’t ’cause I got home – it was a car crash down there.”

Later that night, when Jamie tried to remove the glued wig – it was a disaster – as it tore off the three real pubic hairs he did have…

Watch Jamie tell the whole story right here: