Tom Holland, the twinkiest Spider-Man we ever had, has a blessed habit of posting photos of himself in bed. And – it seems he sleeps shirtless, so that’s even better.

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So when Tom couldn’t sleep (maybe because he’s so lonely in bed?), he took to Instagram to post a series of photos straight from the event.

Tom Holland in bed can't sleep
Photo: Instagram

Tom Holland, the 21-year-old actor who blowed our minds in Spider-Man: Homecoming,  will soon reprise his role as Spidey on the next Avengers film. He’s originally from the UK, but spends a lot of his time in the US due to his constant filming.

“The many faces of a ‘boy I mean a man’ who CAN’T SLEEP”, Tom wrote in the caption to the series of photos. “I’d add all the dog faces and stuff but I don’t really know how to do that.”

Have a look – and don’t forget to tap and scroll the photos – there are six of them, each one cuter than the other…

And while we’re at it, here’s an amazingly adorable set of photos of Tom Holland holding… a little dog: