Relationships aren’t easy, and sometimes – even when they’re good – life gets in the way. But what happens when you make a decision to end the relationship, and then… regret it? Is it too late?

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That’s what happened to this guy on Reddit, who decided to break up with his boyfriend, for legitimate reasons – but then regretted it terribly.

“We’d been together for about a year”, he writes. “My longest relationship thus far in life.”

“He’s a med student and in less than two years, he’ll be moving away for his residency.

I asked him if he considered the possibility of me moving with him. He said that he had thought about it, but it’s more something he wants to do alone.

Heartbroken, I thought about it for a while and decided ‘Why am I gonna waste another year or two in this relationship if he’s just gonna leave me anyway?‘ So I broke up with him.

It’s been 3 weeks and I feel absolutely horrible. We’ve talked a little bit since then, but I miss him so bad. And now I realize that he’s the only man I want to be with, he makes me so happy and makes me feel so special.

We’ve both decided that we could possibly get back together at some point in the future, but every time I message him, I feel like I’m annoying him.

I love him so much and I feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life by breaking up with him. My friends think that this is for the better and I’ll get over him, but he’s literally the only thing I can think about.

Should I try and get him back or wait for him to come to me? I feel like if I try too hard it’ll just push him away, but if I don’t then he’ll think I’m no longer interested.”