Sometimes real life sounds like an internet meme: A high school coach from Spokane, Washington has been suspended after allegedly sticking his penis in a hot dog bun – and then showing it to his students, while bragging about his size.

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Holding hot dog bun

The incident, According to The Washington Post, happened during a “team building exercise” last August.

The coach took more than 40 of his football players to a camp in Idaho, and while grilling hot dogs for them, he turned around with his penis inside one of the hot dog buns, and said:

You think that is a big dog – take a look at this.

A few weeks later, one of the students came forward and reported the incident to school officials. The coach denies those allegations, but several witnesses have since come forward.

At first, the coach was only given a written reprimand, but was later placed on administrative leave, as more accusations started surfacing regarding problematic behaviours in the camp.

According to one of the allegations, the coach’s team players had a birthday hazing ritual they called “Juicing”, where the teammates would pile up on the player who was celebrating his birthday, and… shove their fingers up his anus.

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