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We don’t often write about sports here on GayBuzzer, but it’s time you got to know Eric Dier – a British football star (that’s soccer, if you’re in America), who… has a big bulge. Very big, apparently. And the world knows that, after a very talked about Instagram image…

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Eric Dier footballer
Photo: Deposit Photos – m.iacobucci.tiscali.it

24-year-old Eric Dier plays in the England National Team, and despite him not being a basketball player, he is 1.88m. (Which might explain some other, ehm, big parts).

Earlier this month, Eric posted a seemingly regular photo on his Instagram, which he captioned “Família verde e branco” – which means “green and white family” in Portuguese (which is where he grew up).

But you know what everyone was focusing on. That big thing in his pants. Observe:


Not much we can add to that, is there? I guess he was VERY happy to see that. That, or he has a very strange-looking mobile phone in his pocket.

Maybe we’ll become sports fans now.