Readers of GayBuzzer know UK reality TV star Brandon Myers mostly for his enormous bulge, which keeps popping up on Instagram.
But in a new interview, Brandon has some things to say about DMs he gets from men, that time he had to get naked in University, and his favorite body part (guess).

Brandon Myers is a 21-year-old star of TV shows such as MTV’s Ex On The Beach and Bromans. He often posts raunchy photos of himself and his big bulge on Instagram, and sometimes of his bare bum. But it’s mostly about the bulge.
In a video interview with Gay Times, Brandon was willing to answer some pretty intimate questions, starting with “the most embarrassing thing he’s ever done.”
“In University in America, the initiation as a freshman was that everybody had to get stark naked the very first time, in the changing rooms, go right into the shower, get wet and run down the corridor up and down.”
Brandon then reveals his favorite body part… guessed it? “My favorite body part is something that needs to be censored so I can’t actually show you, but I’m pretty sure I’ll leave that to your imagination.”
His celebrity man-crush, in case you were wondering, is Brad Pitt. “I watched Meet Joe Black and them baby blues and the blond hair… he had it going.”
And of course, the most important question of all – “How many gay guys try to slide into your DMs on a weekly basis?”
I have about 100 requests daily from the gay community, trying to slide into my DMs, trying to get lucky.
You would probably need to look like Brad Pitt first.
Watch the full interview right here, where Brandon also talks about his greatest fear, the last person who saw him naked, and more: