Ashley Parker Angel’s bulge is, by now, an Instagram star in and of its own. And although we usually enjoy it for what it is, this time Ashley added another reason for putting it in front of us… with a new color.

Ashley Parker Angel bathtub
Photo: Instagram

The 36-year-old singer, model and former boy-band star is no strangerĀ to getting naked on Instagram, or at least showing us glimpses ofĀ his impressive bulge.

Now, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Ashley slipped into some tight, bright pink undies – “To honor those weā€™ve lost, to empower those fighting and to celebrate those whoā€™ve survived.”

Hey, anything that raises awareness is good. And this photo will certainly catch your attention:

If you want some more Ashley, last week his bulge was…in blue.

Active Duty holiday sale

… And grey.

What color will it be in next? We’ll have to wait and see.