When do you stop calling someone straight? If he insists on sending his gay buddy his nudes, and then an explicit video – does that still count? What is he exploring, exactly?

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That’s what happened to this guy on Reddit, whose so-called “straight” friend, who serves in the army, felt neglected by his girlfriend – so he started making digital, long-distance advances on his buddy. The “here are my nudes” sort of advances.

“My best friend is in the military and in a long distance relationship with a woman”, he writes. “It’s not long-term (maybe 8 months) but they’ve been disagreeing lately due to some changes in her life.”

The two men get along great, are totally open with each other about everything, and they used to work together. And then things got complicated – “He used me as a (digital) sexual outlet.”

“Today he’s texting me about the troubles with his lady, intimate details of their issues. I give advice but mostly just listen.

Then he moves onto other stuff. He confides that he feels extremely sexually frustrated, isolated, and down on himself. This is compounded by intense boredom as he’s between duties. He lacks a close friend on base.

I jokingly tell him I‘d gladly help with the frustration, what are friends for? This is a common joke and he usually calls me a thirsty homo and we banter.

Today was totally different. He responds “Haha, it’s funny you say that. I took a bunch of nudes for GF but she shut me down. Feeling 50/50 on sending them to you.”

Dudes I am FLOORED. In all the years I have known him he’s never expressed any gay tendencies. We’ve changed together probably 50 times and it’s always felt like I was with my brother.

I was honest with him. That I want to see, shit who would not want to, but not if it’ll make it weird. We basically discussed for 30 mins why he wanted this. It boiled down to him feeling neglected, needing an outlet, and wanting to be appreciated.

He feels close to me, trusts me. I push back, and ask him to be sure because you cannot undo things like that. He assures me he wants it. Says maybe he as a bi streak but hasn’t really thought about it that way. He’s very stern that he does not want me to send photos back.

He sends 15 of the best nudes. Guys holy shit. Tells me that sharing that got him full mast hard. Asks if I am hard, what I think of him.

Tells me he appreciates the compliments. Asks what all I want to see. Takes 3 special requests. He asked if I want a vid. DUH YES and he sends the money shot about 15 mins later.

After that we go back to our usual conversation.

What.the.fuck do I do?

There was another little twist in the comments, when one of the commenters on Reddit replied by saying “Marry that shit, fool!”. Turns out, the original poster is already married.

I’m already married ! We’re open so it’s all good with my hubs. He put he ball in my court on how to handle it.

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