Stephen Amell, also known as the Arrow, also known as one of the hottest superheroes around, has a rich history with the Pride parade in Canada (where his TV show Arrow is filmed) – and this year, the parade might get even hotter, and not just because of the weather…

Stephen Amell vancouver pride2
Photos: Twitter / The CW

Last year, Stephen voiced his disappointment for not getting to attend the Pride parade in Toronto, and he really wanted to ride a float in the Vancouver Pride. And while he didn’t ride a float, he did eventually join the parade and even got himself a wonderful rainbow outfit. 

This year, Stephen is trying to plan ahead (well, somewhat… as it’s already June.) First, Stephen congratulated us all on Twitter for a happy Pride Month, while dissing those who might be “on the wrong side of history” –

Mr man Taron

Then, Stephen called out for a parade float – promising to wear a very seductive outfit –

Come on, Canadians, someone get Stephen Amell a float!