Turns out, porn CAN be hazardous to your health, and there IS such as thing as too much porn: A man in Japan was found buried under a huge pile of porn magazines that he collected over the years. His body was found six months after his death.

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student in the library with books and magazines
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The 50-year-old man was found in his house, as The Sun reports, only after his landlord came over to check why the rent hasn’t been paid. Seeing the massive collection of porn magazines, in every part of the flat including the kitchen, the landlord brought a cleaning crew, which estimated the total weight of the massive porn collection to be around six tons.

The cleaning crew were supposed to remove all those porn magazines from the flat without the neighbors noticing, but then one of them found the owner’s body beneath one of the piles.

At this point, it is not yet known whether the man died from a heart attack (possibly while viewing his collection) and fell into one of the piles, or whether a large pile fell on top of him, essentially burying him – in porn.

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