If you go to strip clubs, or if you just watch movies about strippers, you might think it’s a fun, sexy job. Well, it might be sexy for the viewers – but not necessarily for the performers, as Daniel X Miller had to learn [literally] on his skin.

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Daniel X Miller in the pool
Photo: Instagram

Daniel Miller, an openly gay YouTuber, recently shared this story on his channel – as many of his viewers weren’t aware he was a stripper at one time.

“This was right after the time that I became homeless and lived in my car with no money”, he begins his tale. “Later on, I lived in a hotel, when I got a call from friend’s friend – the manager of a night club.”

And that’s when the whole stripper thing started:

The manager said they’re short on dancers this weekend, and they would like me to dance for us.

I was really hesitant at first, but I was really broke, so I said – let’s just do this, let’s strip for these guys and see what happens. What’s the worst that could happen?

I arrived at the club, and I had no idea how to dance. I called my friend earlier and asked for some dancing tips. “It’s easy – just do the two-step. It’s like back and forth…” He was trying to teach me, but I have two left feet.

Finally, here I am at the club, sitting in the back room with my outfit on – a really sexy underwear that I got for the night… and I’m literally shaking.

I sat there for 45 minutes until the manager said “You know, you need to get out there…”

I get the courage and go out there. I get on the stage, with somebody… I’m trying to do the two-step… most of the guys are just there to look at you so it wasn’t a big deal that I was horrible.

I made $300, and then they asked me to come again tomorrow because everybody loved me. “You’re one of the best ones we’ve had in a long time…”, they said.

On the next day, this is where the story turns.

Everything was going good for 2 hours, then the manager pulls me down and tells me to go into the backroom. He pulls out of his bag a jockstrap with the ass showing… he wanted me to dance with my ass showing.

I don’t know, I didn’t sign up for this… but I thought – I literally have no money so I don’t have a choice. If he wants me to wear that, I need to put that on.

OK, I’ll do it, maybe I’ll make more money… I get back out there, I’m dancing, and for the next 2 hours  – it was misery for me.

In fact, it was so awful – that he had to quit that very same night, despite making $600. Hear the full story right here:
