Liam Hemsworth, the Australian hunk known mostly for his role on The Hunger Games movies (and for being the brother of Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth), is engaged to singer Miley Cyrus. Despite that, Liam doesn’t want to be known as… “a straight dude”.

Liam Hemsworth The Last Song
The Last Song [Photo: Touchstone Pictures]

Miley Cyrus (24) and Liam Hemsworth (27) appeared together in “The Last Song” in 2010, got together, but then broke up following their first engagement in 2013. Then they got engaged again.

Mr man Taron

In an interview with Billboard, Miley – who defines herself as pansexual – was asked whether she wants her “dudes to be dudes”.

“Not even. That really grosses me out. I always get in trouble for ­generalizing straight men, ’cause straight men can be my worst nightmare ­sometimes.

And I’m with a straight dude. But he’s always like, ‘Well, don’t call me that!’

I ask him sometimes, ‘Do you like being a boy?’ And he’s like, ‘I don’t really think about it.’ And that’s crazy to me, because I think about being a girl all the time.

I’m always like, ‘It’s weird that I’m a girl, because I just don’t feel like a girl, and I don’t feel like a boy. I just feel like nothing.’ So when someone’s too ­masculine, that really grosses me out.”

We can safely say we do like being boys – especially when we see boys like Liam Hemsworth…

h/t: Gay Star News