It’s been a long time coming – and we’re there now. Justin Bieber covered his whole abdomen with tattoos… and a lot of his fans are furious, as those abs are now all but hidden.

Justin Bieber instagram hockey
Photo: Instagram

The popular 23-year-old singer, who already had quite a lot of tattoos on his chest and abs, and even on his legs, apparently decided those just weren’t enough.

So in a new Instagram video, and a couple of photos, Bieber displayed today his latest creation – and he is pretty much covered in ink now.

And here’s a closeup:

Bieber’s fans are going crazy all over his Instagram and Twitter feeds, from “and I thought the eagle was too much”, to “What is he doing to me???”, to just “Nooooooooo”.

Falcon hug see more

Yep, we’re kind of disappointed too. Here’s another photo of Bieber in his bathroom with the new ink:

Justin Bieber’s tattoo artist, Bang Bang later explained the meaning behind the new ink – read about it here.

And if you need a reminder of what his abs looked like before the latest additions –