The “size” issue is an age-old discussion. But there’s one thing everyone kind of agrees on – big or small, what really matters is how you use it. So what do you do when your date has an enormous dick… but he doesn’t know what to do with it?

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That’s what happened to this guy on Reddit, who for some reason assumed a guy with a big penis would know how to use it well. He was wrong.

“I’ve hooked up with this guy with a 10” dick a few times.

I feel super full when he’s inside me, which is great, but he only seems to pump a total of like 2” and it doesn’t hurt, but it really doesn’t do much for me.

I just assumed, 10” dick, the sex is going to be noteworthy, but it was the perfect example of a guy with a big dick who wasn’t great at using it. I made the stupid assumption that him having a big dick meant he was going to be good in bed and was let down”

The commenters tried to offer some advice:

“Maybe he isn’t aware that he isn’t pleasuring. Maybe nobody has ever told him his technique isn’t that satisfying. If nobody has ever spoken to him about this he’s going to assume his behavior is okay.”

And an experienced top added his own two cents:

“Surprisingly, being double-digit hung can frequently be more a curse than a blessing, from what friends tell me.

Few partners are able to completely take it, which ruins the mindless, free spontaneity when the top is mentally engineering every thrust.

Also, speaking as a top, it helps to be very communicative on the first couple of fucks. I am tired of hook-ups that are subpar because of the expectation that the top can be a mind-reader.

That works in long term relationships or well-acquainted FWB arrangements where like-dislike-OMG HOT has been hashed out, not so much on a grindr hook-up.”

The original poster, however, was having none of it…

“It was a guy I hooked up with a couple times. I’m not going to try to tell him he needs to improve his dick game, I’m just going to find different dick.”

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