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When you’re an openly gay Olympic medalist, as freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy is – you sometimes get questions from silly homophobes. But Gus, who already has some experience in answering these people – had the perfect response this week, when he was asked whether he… gets paid for being gay.

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Gus Kenworthy sea
Photo: Instagram

25-year-old Gus Kenworthy took part in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, held in Russia, where he had won the silver medal in Men’s freestyle skiing. In October 2015 he came out publicly as gay, and since then has had an incredible record of not only being hot – but also giving perfect answers to annoying homophobic questions.

A week after coming out, he was asked – of course – whether “he’s the man or the woman in the relationship” – so he had to explain what it means to be a gay man.

This week, someone asked Gus this astounding question:

“Are u actually gay or are you getting paid to be gay?”

To which Gus had two hilarious answers:

And even better –

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