Getting ghosted on Grindr is common. Getting cat-fished also happens. And sometimes… your hookup shows up and your landlord has sex with him, mistaking him for HIS Grindr hookup. Wait, what?

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That’s what happened to this guy on Reddit, who just wanted to have some fun, and ended up with a crazy story (AND some fun.)

“I scheduled to meet with a dude I met on Grindr (Kyle) over the weekend and we had only shared one pic”, he writes. “I guess over the weekend, he catches amnesia or something and completely forgets how I look.”

Yes, that’s when things went crazy:

“Fast forward to 9:30pm and Kyle texts me that he’s at the door. I opened the door, didn’t see anyone, and he had also completely ghosted me on text. I was sure at the moment I just got punk’d.

He calls me 2 minutes later and here’s when I get the climactic run down. So he showed up and my LANDLORD (who I didn’t know was gay) opens the door and asks him “Grindr?” in which he automatically assumed was me.

The greatest part of this is that I’m 6’1 and my landlord is 5’5, and he also just assumed he got cat-fished.

Back to the story, my landlord gets naked and proceeds to suck this dude’s dick. 5 seconds into the bj he feels super uneasy and I guess somehow his memory kicks in and then he goes “Wait, are you Joe?”. And that was the exact moment Kyle knew he done fucked up.

What are the god damn chances that my landlord schedules a Grindr hookup on the exact day AND time as me? I’m still grinding my teeth at how cringe this wicked night was.

Btw, Kyle devoured my ass and I came twice so that was cool.”

The commenters asked for some proof, so the guy posted this – his last conversation with “Kyle” –

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Next time, make sure your hookup looks like… your hookup.

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