Bryan Hawn wears many hats – he’s a personal trainer, a YouTuber, a singer, and… “YouTube’s Most Perfect Ass”, according to some. And now he’s back with a naked music video parody – this time doing Lady Gaga’s “The Cure”.

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Bryan Hawn lady gaga
Photo: YouTube

“The Cure” was released by Lady Gaga back in April, after a live début at the Coachella music festival.

Bryan Hawn’s version has all the things you would expect – it starts with a sexy doctor who slowly but surely removes his clothes, and there’s even a mighty big… syringe.

If you want to see the naughty bits, though, you would have to go for the “Uncensored Version” on YouTube Red, which costs $99.

Still, there’s much to enjoy with the regular version as well: