Remember Alex Lee, also known as “Alex from Target”? Of course you do, because we enjoyed following his gym videos and hunky modelling shots.

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Well, after disappearing from Instagram for a while, he’s back – with a new, “rougher” look. The hunk body is still there, though.

Alex from Target - then and now
Alex – then and last year

21-year-old Alex Lee came into our lives with that famous viral photo from Target. Since then, he has become a model, and he constantly shares his gym progress with his 1.5 million Instagram fans.

His fans got worried, though, when his Instagram posts stopped for a couple of months. But worry not – he’s back now.

“Coming back from a LONG break on social media”, Alex wrote in the caption of his new photo yesterday. “Been taking some time to focus on myself. Just getting back in the gym and back on my diet. Feels good.”

That gentle goatee is certainly new, and it looks like he’s got a new tattoo under his shoulder as well (in addition to the ones on his arm and below his chest.)

Fans were debating in the comments whether they like the new Alex or not – we’ll wait for more photos before we decide.

And here’s a video of him working out, because why not

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