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Some people love to read porn fan-fiction, and some people love to write porn fan-fiction. But it might not be a good idea to let everyone at work know that’s what you like to do…

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That’s what happened to this poor person on Reddit, who, due to a computer mixup, ended up sending a VERY explicit text file – to the entire department.

Harry Potter shocked
Photo: Warner Bros.

“I was emailing a .txt containing the latest installment of my fan-fiction to myself because I’d written it on my laptop and I wanted to edit it on my desktop.

But I typed in my work email by accident. It’s extremely similar to my personal email, but my work email automatically forwards every incoming message to everyone in my department. Didn’t even think about it.

It’s not even tame porn you guys.

I’ve never actually gotten physically sick because of a mistake before. The panic has died down a little. I’ve begun to accept that this is my life now.

I’m going to resign tomorrow, early in the morning, by means of a letter; leave my keys to the building in the envelope; and go back to get a different degree. I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while. Guess I don’t really have a choice now.”

Most of the commenters were giving a variety of ideas on how to spin this – and basically lie. From “tell them your computer was hacked” to “send MORE porn to make the virus/hacking story more believable.”

But that didn’t help…

“Thank you guys for all the advice and reassurance you’ve offered.

I still plan on resigning. I liked my job, but my boss will hear about this one way or another and as much as I appreciate all of the lies you’ve suggested, I honestly can’t lie to her.

I’m a shitty shitty liar and she’s a very sharp woman. I won’t get fired, she’d never pay unemployment as long as she lived, but I can’t hope to move up in this particular company after something like this, and my life could get very difficult where I’m at.

I intend to go back to school. It’s what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, but I never had the courage to move forward with it.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go lie in bed and stare at the ceiling.”

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