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Is it your lifelong dream to take a selfie with Justin Bieber, when he’s shirtless, and his impressive abs are all sweaty and wet? Well, now you can! Sort of…

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Justin Bieber wax figure
Photo: Instagram

Madame Tussaud’s in London, the famous wax figures attraction, unveiled a new, “wet look” version of the Justin Bieber’s wax figure. The figure, on loan from the Las Vegas branch where it usually sits, was brought to London ahead of the UK leg of Bieber’s tour.

Between October 22 and October 30, real life dancers (that is – not made of wax) will perform around the waxy Bieber.

The wax Bieber is shirtless, of course, and you can also see his undies – though not specifically Calvin Klein’s. So, will you take the chance to take a selfie while touching his body?

Here’s what it looks like:

All wet:

You can get to do that!

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