Forget pickup lines – why use corny, used-up sentences, when you can use Jedi mind tricks, instead?

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OK, Maybe they don’t originate from The Force, but still – these tips from popular YouTuber Pano will certainly help you land the man of your dreams (or at least this night’s crush).

Pano YouTuber
Photo: Instagram

Some of the weird psychological tricks you’ll learn in Pano’s video:

  • Make direct eye contact and smile – it sounds simple, but a lot of people forget. Locking eyes with somebody lets them know you’re really engaged, and a smile gives them a supportive feel.
  • Ask a bunch of questions – that way you show people you’re genuinely interested and you become more connected. Let the other person talk.
  • Mirror what the other person is doing

Watch the full video to find out more – including why it’s a good idea to wear the color red…