Always wanted to know what things look like BEHIND the scenes of a gay porn shoot? Casey Tanner and Blake Mitchell, also known as CakeDate, give us a glimpse on their YouTube channel.

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cakedate behind the scenes of gay porn

We’ve seen Blake and Casey before – there was that time they undressed Davey Wavey, and the time they were forced to watch lesbian porn, and now we get to watch them prepare for a Helix Studios (NSFW Link!) scene they’re doing with fellow porn star, Kody Knight.

What did we learn from watching the video?

  • It’s a bad idea to eat onions before filming (“I will need to kiss your dirty mouth!”)
  • There appears to be some (kinky?) use for a guitar with no strings
  • Some of the models also do administrative duties (We spotted Max Carter and Kyle Ross)
  • There’s a device that connects your iPad with your Fleshlight. OOH, shiny!
  • It’s all fake! The window on set, that is. There’s nothing behind it.
  • Kody Knight got into porn because of a pop-up window
  • There’s a limit to what you can show on YouTube. Oh well.

Watch the entire video right here, and yes, you can find the “final” scene here – but it’s NSFW, naturally.

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