Vladimir Putin is the powerful, homophobic Russian president (and a former prime minister) who likes to ride horses while shirtless. Max Emerson is a handsome gay underwear model (and a former Glee guest) who likes to ride horses while shirtless. An unlikely duo – but put the two together, and what do you get? Well, this.

Max Emerson Vladimir Putin horseback riding

Russian president Putin has a knack for doing manly things with animals while shirtless. So much so, that his shirtless horseback riding photos have become memes. Case in point – Tom Daley and Mark Hamill and Vladimir Putin:

And also this disturbing image:

Now, you would probably want to erase those images of Putin, shirtless on a horse (not to mention Donald Trump). Max Emerson to the rescue, then!

Falcon hug see more

Max is a 28-year-old actor and underwear model who, luckily for us, likes to take his clothes off. This time, he decided to do some bareback riding, shirtless of course, with a #putin hashtag. The similarities are uncanny! (Only, Max is better looking, of course)