With all due respect to Robert Pattinson, we were always on Team Taylor Lautner – how could you not, with those amazing abs? Well, Taylor celebrated his birthday this week – so we’re celebrating with him and his… abs.

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Taylor Lautner - Twilight

Hard to believe, but Taylor Lautner turned 30 this week. To some, Taylor remains the sexy teen heartthrob Jacob Black from the Twilight saga (we can’t forget his nude fanart)

To others, Taylor is a fully grown hunk who up until a couple of years ago was killing it on British television.

Taylor lautner cuckoo semi naked

Our friends over at Mr Man, who are experts on naked male celebrities – sent us a few shots of Mr. Lautner (though we’re still waiting for him to get FULLY naked on-screen…)

Taylor caught our attention in Twilight in which he couldn’t possibly take off his shirt enough. One look at those sixpack abs and we are firmly on #TeamJacob – and we do mean firm. SIGH… we do miss his shirtless scenes in Twilight.

Taylor Lautner shirtless wet

Since his Twilight days, Taylor has kept busy on TV. He played a doctor in Scream Queens (Doc, please give us a thorough exam!)…

He’s also wonderful in the hit British comedy Cuckoo as Dale where he goes shirtless in a sexy scene that has him dropping his towel by mistake – hey, he even has some hair on his chest these days! (Unfortunately, he left the series recently).

Taylor Lautner shaving

We don’t get to see anything good, but this tease has us hoping for on-screen nudity soon. We think we’re due for it, don’t you? See more uncensored photos and clips of Taylor via this link.

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