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In the Twilight movie series, Robert Pattinson was kind of serious and timid (other than being a vampire and all.) But in real life, it turns out Robert has a pretty cheeky past – including a time in his life when he used to steal – and resell – porn magazines.

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In addition, we now learn that when Robert first auditioned for Twilight – his body was a far cry from those impressive abs he got for the film…

Robert Pattinson twilight
Photo: Summit Entertainment

Robert Pattinson, the 31-year-old actor, was interviewed on the Howard Stern radio show this week, where we learned quite a few new details about him, as E! Online reports.

For starters, when Robert was in school back in London, he made money by… stealing porn magazines, and selling them to other students.

“No one knew at all what to do with me. I’d sell them for a lot of money…I used to go in and take like one or two and put them in my bag…

I was in my school uniform when I was doing it, so it was kind of risky. But, then at the end, I got so cocky that I would take the entire rack and I got caught.”

After he was caught by the store owner, his friends snitched on him as well – and his career as a porn mogul was done.

In another part of the interview, Robert talks about his first audition for the Twilight series. As it turns out, he wasn’t as buff and hot as he eventually became for the films.

In fact, he spent the summer eating Hamburgers, and his body was waxed because of an earlier film.

Then, when during the auditions he was asked to take his shirt off, he thought his chances were gone – but when he did eventually become Edward, and his body showed no signs of burgers. He was still pretty hairless, though.