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Everywhere you look, Pokémon Go is all the rage these days – and it seems gay guys are particularly keen to it for some reason. Well, now we know why, thanks to YouTuber Michael Rizzi – Pokémon Go and Grindr have many similarities…

Man outside with Pikachu
Illustrative Photo

Michael explains several similarities between the hit game, and the hit-on-you app:

  • You’re always on the hunt: On Grindr, you’re always looking for the next hookup, the next date, the next kiss – you find the guy you’re interested in and you go to them. On Pokémon Go – you’re always on the hunt for the next Pokémon, and it literally gets you to go out and find it.
  • Getting off your butt: On Grindr, if you want to hookup, you actually have to get dressed and go over to them before you can touch them. On Pokémon Go – you also have to get dressed, go out, and try to find them…
  • Who’s Your Daddy: On Grindr you’re always looking for muscle daddies. On Pokémon Go – the first person you meet is Professor Willow – he’s the biggest daddy there is.

For all the similarities, and Michael’s reveal of who the hottest Pokémon is in his mind, watch the video right here:


Mr man Taron