Time to check up with one of our favorite models – Nick Sandell. His photos are always hot, but his latest one, which is actually a behind-the-scenes photo of a magazine photoshoot he’s doing – shows, well… A LOT.

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Nick Sandell towel
Photo: Instagram

Nick Sandell is 24-year-old model and personal trainer, who works with WILHELMINA Models. Last we saw him, he was eating a burger on the street – in his undies. A pretty sight.

Nick’s latest photo, as he explains in the caption, is from a magazine photoshoot – “can’t say which one yet”. And of course, his fans aren’t just staring at those low-hanging undies – but also at that very explicit… imprint at the front.



And here’s some more of his latest work:


We’re hyperventilating…


Look who’s coming out of the ocean…

We’ll keep watching, of course.