Lucas Dell is a popular 21-year-old model and YouTuber, who frequently posts thirst-inducing photos on Instagram, often of the shirtless type.

In a candid statement, Lucas tries to explain what these selfies really mean to him, and how even someone who looks like him, can get insecure just like everyone else.

Lucase Dell selfie
Photo: Instagram

“I’m pretty hard on myself about a lot of stuff, but I usually don’t try to show it”, Lucas wrote this week in a caption attached to a sexy bathroom selfie. He goes on to explain that posting on YouTube and Instagram is basically his full-time job, and how social media has always been his “good place”.

“I post my dumb, try hard Instagram selfies because they work, people seem to like them and it honestly has fostered so much opportunity in my life.

But I get insecure like everyone else, I have worries and frustrations like everyone else. I don’t think I’m the smartest, the fittest, the most talented or the most attractive; but I can see why people make those assumptions.

Just know that when I post a stupid selfie biting a friend’s crop top, that I’m just trying to enjoy being confident that my fourth ab came in, enjoy my youth and appreciate that I put a lot of work into all of the shit I do.”

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He concludes with a call for people who harshly criticise some of his posts and pictures:

“I’d appreciate if we kept things in context and wouldn’t project things onto me. After all, it’s Instagram, and they’re just selfies. It’s not that deep lol. Just do what makes you happy and be nice to people. It’s a lot easier than all of the whining ❤”

Read his whole statement right here: