Even famous, super-hot singers like Liam Payne sometimes get lonely in their hotel room’s bed. So Liam at least shared that moment with us – while shirtless and looking all sexy, that is.

Liam Payne strip that down
Photo: Instagram

Liam Payne, the 24-year-old former “One Direction” member is from the UK, but he’s in New York these days, apparently away from his wife – and his hotel room sure’s got some nice views. Of Liam.

First, there’s this impressive photo taken of the mirror above his bed (that’s kinky already!) –

But there’s also this video he shared on his Instagram stories, where Liam is telling us to “check out the views”.

We assume he means the views OUTSIDE the window – but we were too busy checking out the view inside.

Yep, those views are impressive.