L.A. based model Leif Erik (whose name apparently originates from a Norse God – and his body too) wrote a long, deeply meaningful message on his Instagram account this week.

However, the fact that he was semi-naked, with his pants open and his crotch almost in plain view – kind of distracted his fans from the actual message.

Leif Eric
Photo: Instagram

The super-hot model posted the following photo with a long caption, writing about the fears in life, and God’s purpose for all of us – and how we’re meant to find it. The photo, however, looked like this:

Many fans did reply directly to Leif’s message, but one of them summed it up nicely:

“Great caption but couldn’t focus on it with your damn dick boutta FLY OUT”

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A problem, indeed.

And there’s Leif in the shower –

And some more of him looking sexy –
