Nude photo leaks are a real concern for celebrities these days (and frankly – for anyone). So when UK comedian and TV star Jack Whitehall heard rumors about a photo of his penis circulating the interwebs, he panicked.

But then he actually saw it… and changed his mind.

Jack Whitehall on Fresh Meat
Jack on Fresh Meat [Photo: Channel 4]

Jack Whitehall is a popular 29-year-old British comedian, who you might know from his stand-up shows, or from TV shows such as Bad Education and Fresh Meat. He also happens to be quite cute…

This week, Jack was a guest on The Late Late Show with James Corden, where he told the story of a nude photo scare he had recently.

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“I was told that there was a penis pic of me circulating online, and I was very distressed. This can’t be happening because I’ve never taken a photograph of my junk in my life…

I called up my agent and told her to get a lawyer and shut this down, make it go away.

Then, a friend sent me the picture…

It was the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen. It was unbelievable…long and tan… a beautiful magical thing…”

So he immediately called his agent again… Watch the full story right here: