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So yes, obviously, Brandon Myers knows what he’s doing, and is using his enormous bulge as a thirst magnet for us. Do we care? No! Bring it on. And yes, he’s brushing his teeth, but obviously that’s not the most prominent thing in his latest photo.

Brandon Myers black shirt
Photo: Instagram

Brandon Myers is a model who took part in MTV’s Ex On The Beach and then appeared on another hunk-filled reality TV show, Bromans. 

Recently, Brandon claimed that his penis is 9.5 inches long, and that he calls it “his third leg”. And he keeps showing it. And we keep falling for it. But hey, we’re not complaining.

In one of his recent photos, Brandon showed us how well he brushes his teeth. “Trying to keep my teeth bright”, he wrote. Observe:


Brandon’s fans did NOT fail to notice the toothbrush: “I like the juxtaposition of the toothbrush and your penis”, one of them wrote. Another took it in a… different direction: “I can think of better things you could have in your mouth…”

Next time… Brandon and his bulge doing their taxes? We’ll take it.