We already knew popular YouTuber AbsolutelyBlake has no problems getting naked and sharing it with all of us. Plus, he sometimes does wild stuff on his channel. But this time… it’s Naked + Wild, which means… ehm… something to do with his bare bum, a playing field, and a big stick.

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AbsloutleyBlake Blake McPherson shirtless
Photo: Instagram

YouTuber AbsolutelyBlake (Blake McPherson), who already sports 121,000 subscribers, got naked again – but this time, there’s an added twist.

We don’t even know where to begin explaining this – so we’ll let you try to understand what it is we’re seeing. Whatever the case may be, it’s kind of hot, as usual.

Blake first posted the photo on Instagram – where it was reported by bad, bad people. Who would report Blake’s bare ass, unless maybe for being too hot to handle?

So on Instagram, the photo turned into… this –


We prefer the original, obviously.

And now, while you’re having all kinds of naughty thoughts, here’s a reminder you’re not the only one, thanks to Blake’s latest YouTube video – where he reads the second part of an erotic gay fan fiction written about him (the first part is here) –


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