Coming out of the closet used to be a very private thing. These days, YouTubers sometimes come out in front of millions of people – and it’s difficult, and touching, and will even bring you to tears.

These are some of the best coming out videos from recent years.

1. Jacob Rudolph

On January 18, 2013, Jacob Rudolph, then a senior at Parsippany High School, came out as gay during an awards assembly in front of more than 300+ of his fellow students.

“I’ve been acting every single day of my life. You see me acting the part of straight Jacob. When I’m in fact an LGBT teen.”

Years later, Jacob became a prominent LGTBQ+ advocate.

2. The Rhodes Twins

Aaron and Austin Rhodes, known as the Rhodes Bros,  were actors/models/YouTube stars who have gained tremendous viral success with the video in which they [both] come out to their viewers, and more importantly – to their father.

It is one of the most famous coming out videos – and if you haven’t seen it yet – get ready for a very emotional experience. And if you want to actually see their father – he was recently featured as well.

3. Jesse Duke

Jesse comes out to his sister in this emotional video. He was so nervous beforehand – and her reaction is just perfect. “It doesn’t matter what you have to tell me in your life. I’m here.

4. Joshua Felix

Only 14 years old, Joshua comes out to his sister in an emotional video. “That was very brave of you. I’m proud of you. I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, circle triangle. As long as you’re happy

5. Dan Brian

Famous YouTuber Dan (known as Mallow610), set up a camera and captured his coming to his mother in real time. His mom turns out to be one the coolest moms out there. “I am so proud of you. It’s ok with me because I love you. Were you afraid to say it?”

6. Adam Jernberg

YouTuber Adam comes out to his mother. His only disappointment – she doesn’t know who Bradley Cooper is. “Remember how I had a picture of everyone who I thought were my role models? Well those were actually mini crushes“.

7. Tom Daley

By now, Olympic medalist and TV star Tom Daley is engaged to be married, but back in 2013, Daley’s fans were unaware of his sexual orientation. In this very personal coming out video, he told the world for the first time. “I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe, and everything feels great. And that someone is a guy.”

8. Benton

Benton is a young female-to-male transgender. In this video, he comes out to his classmates – who react beautifully. “Everyday I get heartbreaking messages from kids that are afraid that their parents are going to kick them out of their home. I remember when I was there

9. Brett Rooney

Brett first comes out to this father over the phone, and then tells his mom in person. It’s inspiring to see his mother’s reaction. “Thank you! I wish you would have done that years ago

10. Haley Star

This one’s really special – drag queen Haley speaks to his grandmother, who suffered a stroke, about his coming out to her as gay and as a drag queen. “You were embarrassed. You were all read… I accepted you. Because I love you“.

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