Troye Sivan, the popular, [now] openly gay 21-year-old Australian singer-songwriter-YouTuber, sat down with Buzzfeed to answer some questions from fans. Some were hilarious, some were very personal – here are some of the best answers:

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Troye Sivan
Photo: Instagram

What advice would you have for someone who is currently in the closet?

 I would say try not to stress. I know that seems like such a silly thing to say, but really, there are people in the world who 1,000% will love you just the way you are. So no matter what, keep that in mind. And good luck with everything.

Was there an event that inspired you to come out at the time you did, or was it just like, “Gotta do it eventually and today’s gonna be the day.”

The only way I knew I was ready to come out was I was being driven crazy by the fact that I was not out. Every single time I was with either of my parents for a split second, I was like, Oh my god, am I gonna do it now, is this the time, how can I get the conversation to go there.

And it was literally driving me insane; I thought I was going nuts. So then one time instead of just thinking about it, I actually did it. And it’s so weird because it’s one of those things you build up. I had built this up for like 15 years in my head, and it was like two words, and it’s over.

How did you find the confidence to be who you are (in terms of your sexual orientation, or anything else really)?

I think for me it kinda started out a necessity. I was getting very sad and anxious, and stuff like that. So I just wanted to kind of take the situation into my own hands and do what I could to set up myself for the best life possible.

What changed in your life after coming out that you did not expect?

I didn’t realize how much me hiding my sexuality also meant that I hid a lot of just my identity as a person.

I think I realize now I was really, really scared to express myself through fashion or certain music or certain TV shows. I was petrified that anyone would ever think I was gay god forbid, and so, once I got over that I kind of could just let myself be. I realize that I’m kind of a different person than I thought I was.

Do you have any concert traditions/rituals?

I do like 10 pushups. Sometimes I’ll do star jumps too, if I’m feeling like a bit crazy. Other than that I’ll just warm my voice up, and drink tea — maybe steam my face a bit.

Watch the video interview right here: