Previous Spider-Mans, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire were good looking by all means. But this year it seems we’re getting the hottest Spider-Man ever with Tom Holland

And this week, Tom and his perfect abs went surfing with his long-time BFF, Harrison Osterfield.

Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield
Photo: Twitter

Harrison, Tom Holland’s close friend, is an aspiring actor himself and served as Tom’s assistant on the set of the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming.

They’re both 20-years-old, and judging by their Twitter and Instagram accounts, they’re constantly together.

When they went surfing this week, it looked… like that:

Past adventures included a trip to Vegas:

Having fun at the pool –

Men Bang Brandon Cody

Family meals –

Raising a little Spidey together –

And of course, playing some shirtless basketball –