He’s in a straight relationship with a girl, he doesn’t consider himself gay, but he loves watching gay porn – for a very specific reason. Is it time to tell his girlfriend?

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The issue is troubling this guy, who came to Reddit for advice, after struggling with if for a good while – “Not because I think I may be gay, not because I’m uncomfortable with the fact that I do enjoy gay porn, but because I don’t know how my girlfriend will react to this.”

And he explains:

“I am confident in my sexuality, I know that I am straight, but I can’t help but enjoy gay porn (along with straight porn, which is what I mainly view).

And I know I’m not the only one, which is evident by a quick google, but to explain it quickly, I’d say I enjoy it simply because I enjoy thinking of the way gay sex feels. I’m fairly into anal play with myself and my girlfriend as well (for her, for me, etc.) and I believe that there is nothing wrong with any of that.

The way I see it is, if I was made this way biologically, to enjoy the feeling of something in my ass, then why would it be gay to do those things?

I’m not so concerned with labels however as I am with just how she’d react, we have had a light discussion on what it means to be gay recently, and she agreed with my whole outlook on this subject to a degree.

I just don’t want her to feel like I’d ever have any chance of being attracted to a guy, because I am not in any way, nor could I ever be.

I don’t want to add to her worries of girls and whatnot, and I feel like there’s a possibility she could freak out if I told her, also because I’ve been ‘hiding’ this for so long.”