Recently, leaked nude photos of UK reality TV star Sean Pratt have been circulating the interwebs. And while we never post leaked photos, who needs them when Sean himself gets naked on his official Instagram account?

Sean Pratt hammock
Photo: Instagram

Sean Pratt is a 26-year-old model and TV star, known from MTV’s Ex On The Beach, a reality show where single men and women are stranded on a beach with their exes. Before that, he worked as a stripper and a naked butler.

Luckily for us, Sean also has a habit of getting naked on Instagram, and showing his ass, or impressing us with his big bulge. This time, Sean wants us to admire the view – of his very naked bum.

Sean’s fans were understandably excited, with one channelling us all by writing “Can I add you to my Christmas list?” Indeed…

And here’s another one to get you through the day: