Austin Armacost, the openly gay reality star and model, is known for many things – he was Marc Jacobs’ (the fashion designer) boyfriend, he appeared in shows such as “A-List” and the UK version of Celebrity Big Brother.

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And now… he’s not afraid to show his waxing procedure.

Austin Armacost
Photo: Instagram

It’s not the first time Austin displays his body in all its glory (and probably not the last), but showing a photo from your waxing session is, indeed… unconventional:

That’s the “Before” shot. The “After” one? (which was posted a few weeks ago… but still shows a sort of “after”) – there you go:

And there was also this one:

And if you want little view of the front end, Austin doesn’t disappoint, with a short clip from his Versace shoot:

h/t: The Gay UK

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